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lopake weindows and door

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lopake product solution


洛派克10余年专注行业,提供高端系统门窗系统方案(平开门窗、内开内倒窗、悬挂外开窗、提升推拉门以及阳光房)等门窗品牌五金一站式解决方案。 产品采用6063T航空级原生铝材质坚固稳定 高强度 高韧度; 关键连接件采用采用PA66隔热条有效阻挡冷热传递,高性能五金、双层中空钢化安全玻璃、三元乙丙密封胶条条封边整体静音隔音效果更好。

— Aluminum 优质铝材 —

6063航空级原生铝 个性简约时尚,采用铝镁合金 保证产品的高性能高质量,耐腐蚀 防炎热 抗风隔音,使用寿命更长。材质坚固稳定 高强度 高韧度 质地坚硬不易变形稳固扎实 抗击风压表面光亮洁泽 持久保新美观与实用两不误

From the beginning of material selection to achieve high industry standards, the use of aluminum magnesium alloy aviation grade aluminum (primary aluminum) to ensure high performance, high quality products, longer service life.

— Interior Hardware 多层级静音 —

双层/三层中空钢化玻璃5+18-27A+5 透光性良好,安全隔音,5层密封,腔体填充隔音棉, 打造宁静的居家环境,同时三元乙丙复合胶条 挡风 防尘 抗压 纯平设计 独具匠心 源于对细节的把握下沉式防风排水孔 贴心小挡板 有效防止雨水倒灌

Products include transmission shell, transmission parts, lock point lock, do accessories and other products; With innovative thinking and quick installation: lock ever pole, T word parts, aluminum rod and other accessories to simplify, product set function integration design.

— Load Bearing Hardware 品质五金 —

门窗的内脏是五金,占比整个门窗的20%以上 是产品安全的保障。高承重的五金大大优化产品性能,提升安全性能,变更连接结构设计,减小阻力保证手感; 便捷安装、高承重性,安全可靠、静音顺畅。 关系安全的从来都不是小事,所有五金产品都经过 累计百万次无故障测试结果,方可交付您手中!

Doors and Windows of bearing hardware is the guarantee of product safety. High bearing hardware greatly optimize product performance, improve safety performance, change the connection structure design, reduce the resistance to ensure touch; Convenient installation, high bearing quality, safe and reliable, mute smoothly.

— Integrated System 整体门窗系统 —

提供门窗系统化整体配置方案,通风换气柔和舒适;多种开启方式,满足你不同的通风视野需求。无论是晴天还是雨天,窗户都能通风。45°圆弧压线 柔美圆润的结构线条多腔体结构设计搭配PA66GF25尼龙隔热条与三元乙丙胶条打造超高安全性和蜜封性

The burn system doors and Windows hardware provides door systematic overall configuration scheme, ventilation is soft and comfortable; A variety of open means, satisfy your different vision ventilation requirements



From the apartment to the hotel, from the business center to residential area... Emperor burn hardware has been exploring to improve building performance, promote the development of sustainable and energy efficient hardware, and make contribution to environmental protection design of the future.
